
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Star Trek Portrait Contest: One Week Away

As you may remember from last week, I'm having a contest. The prize is a portrait (by me) of your Star Trek self. Now, the contest deadline is just one week away!

Until then, here's yet another sample from someone a little less Starfleet-ey. A while ago, when my friend Christi started watching Star Trek, we had the "what species would you be" conversation and she came up with Betazoid/Talaxian:

After a long day spent fruit picking/reading, she's ready for an evening
with friends and family where she'll no doubt read everyone's minds. 

To be fair, the Talaxian genes do seem a bit dominant but, if you look closely, you can see the gorgeous black eyes common to Betazoids. She did not, however, seem to inherit the underslit nose or hairy feet of her Talaxian ancestors.

Ok, to enter the contest, just leave a comment on either the original post or this one telling me what Star Trek species fits you best. For every time you share this blog (with your mom on the phone, on Facebook, on Pinterest) just let me know about it in the comments section and you'll get an additional entry.

So, figure out your species of choice and the clothes you would wear in your Star Trek life and report back here!


  1. I have shared with Facebook (both my personal page and DW page), twitter, my DW blog, Pinterest, and my personal log blog. :)!!

    I love Talaxians!

  2. Oh, and here's the log:

    I'm not sure if I would have Vulcan ears with Ocampan clothing or vice versa. :p

    1. Ooo! Well, if you want to stay with light colored hair, I'd maybe suggest a Kes haircut and outfit with Vulcan ears. Whatcha think?

  3. I've always felt part Vulcan. I'll see people behaving irrationally and I think to myself "Highly irrational." I think have more human traits than Spock, but there are definitely some Vulcan portions! I'd still be a librarian - every ship needs one I think. What would a fleet issued cardigan look like?

    1. I can totally see you as part Vulcan! Also, Beverly Crusher has a Starfleet issued cardigan sometimes. It's like an open one with pockets--perfect for ship's librarian.

  4. Shared on FB! I almost did not to selfishly keeps the odds better. :)

  5. I shared on Pinterest! If I win, surprise me with the race. You know me. You know what I'd be. .....probably a tribble, haha.

    1. Kate, I'm almost 100% sure you're a full-blooded Talaxian!

  6. Hmm... not really a species, but could you make me a portrait of Mirror Universe me? If not, I dunno... betazoid? Or your choice, but nothing with a nose spine. -Larry

    1. Yes! I think Mirror Universe you would be awesome! Great idea!
