
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

When I Find Myself In Times Of Trouble

Scott and I are in the middle of moving. We have a new apartment picked out and half of our house is packed up. It's a stressful process and, in spite of the fact that this is my 34th move, it never seems to get much easier. Yesterday I had to go over to the new place to inspect it and pick up our keys then run by the store to get a new vacuum cleaner since ours might as well just be the world's worst broom. It wasn't until I got back that I saw what had happened in Boston.

Standing in my living room, with the knowledge of yesterday's tragic event sinking in, the boxes and stacks of books and an unassembled vacuum cleaner suddenly seemed a lot less important. In times like these, I can't watch the news, stare at photos, or read about it all over facebook. I am overcome. The only thing I could do--the only thing I wanted to do--was sit down on my living room floor and watch Star Trek.

It's surprising sometimes, what comforts us, how we find solace. For me, yesterday, it was a tall glass of milk and three episodes of my favorite show. By the time Patrick Stewart was telling me all about new life and new civilizations, I'd started feeling a little better. The familiarity of my TV friends, the succinct plots with mostly happy endings, and the ambient, electronic sounds of the ship were enough to console me.

Nothing can erase what happened yesterday. But I'm glad that, in times like this, we're lucky enough to have the little things that soothe. For me, just like when I was a little girl, it's a glass of cold milk and TV. What about you?


  1. I think one of the most unique things about Star Trek, that really separates it from the rest of sci-fi, is that it postulates that the human race really gets its %&*! together and knows how to prioritize. In a sense, Picard, Riker and the rest of the team- they're not us. They're better. And at the same time, we can always find someone to identify with and say, hey I'm just like Deanna Troi, or Barclay, or Data. They're not just inspirational; they're aspirational. -Larry

    1. Yes, I completely agree. They are the best of us--an optimistic vision of what we might someday become.

  2. This is really wonderful, AshleyRose. For me, predictably, it's a cup of Earl Grey tea. That always seems to bring me back to center.

    1. Thank you, Kate! You share an affinity for Earl Grey with Captain Picard btw. :)

  3. Some days humanity doesn't seem worth saving from itself. "When will we learn?" comes to mind all too often. Star Trek really is aspirational in it's portrayal of a better version of ourselves. I wholeheartedly understand the seeking of solace from the acts of cruelty people inflict on each other every day. Sometimes it's just too much.

    My heart is broken for Boston. The violence, loss, and heightened fear are terrible prices to pay for evil people being evil. But when it's tempting to wish for the Borg to come and take care of our social-sicknesses... let's hope for RoddenberryEsque evolution in humanity, someday. :(

    1. Yes, let's continue to hope. Honestly, even though these horrible tragedies are happening, I feel that we must be moving in the right direction. Nothing can take away what's happened, the lives destroyed and damaged, but we can take solace in the little things and the fact that we aren't alone in our hope for something better.

  4. Last night the boyfriend and I curled up in bed and watched First Contact before bed. I needed the idea that humanity will unite to destroy evil, and that there will be a time of peace. The world that Deanna, Riker and Geordi tell Cochrane about. Why his one seemingly unimportant science expedition really is important in the grandest sense.

    1. This is so sweet. I completely understand the impulse to watch First Contact. The hope that our TNG crew bring to a downtrodden, Dystopian group of people is uplifting. Thanks for telling me about this!

  5. Well, I am the same way. I was all too ready to get in my bed and drown the sorrow away with grand treks through the stars. Star Trek is definitely medicine for me. I do love a tall glass of milk, m'mm. I love this post, and these comments/thoughts. So glad to be a part of "good people". AR, I think we're Star Trek soul mates!! LOL

    1. Yes! Thank you! I think we are Star Trek soul mates!

  6. How long have you been using your old vacuum cleaner? The fact that you see it as the world's worst broom only makes me think how poor its condition is. Maybe its the right time to buy a new one. A vacuum cleaner is always a good investment knowing how convenient it is to have one. I hope you'll buy a new one soon to say goodbye to manual cleaning.
