
Friday, May 17, 2013

Star Trek: Into Darkness

Last night we saw Star Trek: Into Darkness. Basically, it was amazing. For now, I'm not going to mention any details or reveal any plot points or character moments or anything of the sort. However, I will say what the experience meant to me. It meant a lot. A whole lot.

Actually, I spent the first forty-five minutes or so crying at the fact that this whole thing was even happening. I get that a lot of people don't like the Abrams reboot but I'm not one of those people. Lens flairs and all, I love the new movies. I've spent a lifetime with Star Trek and I've spent every single day since January 1st watching and writing about Star Trek. The experience has reminded me just how bereft I was when Enterprise went off the air, how terrible it felt to not have any Star Trek coming, to believe that maybe Star Trek was over and they weren't ever going to make anymore. But now they have, and in doing so, they've done something wonderful.

These movies have mythologized the characters that we have known and loved since the 60's. Like Sherlock Holmes or Superman, multiple incarnations of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy means that they can live beyond their original scope. They can exist again and again, each time refreshing themselves for new generations and through those re-imaginings, they become more universal. The ideals of Star Trek--the high value placed on curiosity, loyalty, exploration, tolerance, and kindness--can be passed from one generation to the next, each time delivered in a updated and appealing format. And, the good news is, if you don't like the reboots, you can ignore them.  No one has erased all our cherished series. They still exist and they're more accessible than ever. You can go sit down in your living room and watch them over and over again and pretend these new movies don't exist. But that's not what I'm doing. I saw the 2009 Star Trek eight times in theaters and I plan on doing much the same thing with Into Darkness.

The movie is fast, smart, crammed with references to known Trek, and pretty much overflowing with heart. All the characters have great moments and the Kirk/Spock/McCoy relationship is deepened. Cumberbatch is awesome. The Enterprise is beautiful. New additions to the classic effects and sounds are perfect.

Anyway, now I'm going to paraphrase one line from the film--a line that I feel pretty much sums up how I feel about these reboots. It's out of context and I don't find it even remotely spoilery but, just the same, I'll put this quote after the following picture and you can feel free to skip it and come back to this post later:

"The Captain's Oath is a call for us to remember who we once were and who we must be again." 


  1. I can see me crying just sitting the screen lights up and the music plays....and my son will be like, 'mom, are you crying?' to which I reply, 'yes, son, of course I am....quit staring at me!'

    I cannot wait for tomorrow. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    I feel the same way. I'm a huge ST fan and lens flares and all, I'm excited and I know I'll love it. Excellent quote.

  2. I'm going to hopefully see this movie in the next couple of weeks. Having toddlers at home, I never seem to see movies as quickly as I would like. Oh well!

    I'm also glad that we have more Star Trek coming. I am an avid fan of both old and new Trek. As far as I'm concerned, there's always room for more!

    1. Oh yes. You must get yourself to the theater asap! Yes-- always room for more!

  3. I teared up a few times during the movie, but had a huge grin on my face when the scene you mention came up.

    I don't get the hatred for the Abrams films, either. Many don't seem to get that it's an alternate universe, and that original Trek still exists. I tell those people to go check out Star Trek Online, which is still set in the 'Prime' universe.

    1. Yes, I feel like they were very careful to point out that this is an alternate universe. Everything we've known and loved for all these years still exists. I'm excited to go see this with a friend of mine who is a VERY casual Star Trek fan. Knowing that she isn't as connected to these characters (and has never seen the original movies) I'm looking forward to seeing her reaction.

  4. The longer its been since I saw it, the more I like it. I really enjoyed the first Abrams Trek, and I think I just had too high of expectations. Kind of like when I went to see The Dark Knight Rises.

    The callbacks to TOS are always my favorite parts, and I think that Simon Pegg and Karl Urban, in particular, are AMAZING in playing their characters.

    1. Yes. Simon Pegg and Karl Urban are PERFECT! Actually, I think this whole film is pretty perfectly cast.

  5. Ashley:

    You are absolutely just the greatest, most perfect, bright, sparkling GEM. Yes! Your observations about STID are totally spot on (I thought that, at times, they were a little TOO clever with their Trek allusions, but if that's the worst thing I can say -- which it is -- then....)! I also agree with your comments about Abrams 100% (I only saw the 2009 film in theaters SIX times -- twice with my (then) 8 year-old son (his introduction to Trek) -- I called it research for my book.

    Keep up the great work!


    1. Awww thanks Woody! Yes, I can see your point about the allusions and it seems that a lot of fans are all over the place with their opinions on the call backs to TOS. Some think it's pandering, some think it's a direct rip-off, some think it's awesome. I felt like they were mostly awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing it with a friend who will get none of these references and I'm looking forward to her reaction to the movie as it stands by itself.

  6. I'm HATING the hatin' on this movie!! :( I feel if you're a ST fan then you should just enjoy the movie. Actually, I'm tired of the NITPICKING. This movie was badass. It had everything. I laughed, I cried, I cheered, I clapped, I totally geeked out all over the place. I absolutely loved it, and the 2009 reboot.

    1. Leslee, I feel what you're feeling. I think negativity on the internet in general and among geeks in particular has become something of a plague. My hope with this project is to perpetuate something that is quite the opposite--what I do here is rejoice about something that I love and I hope that other people will join me. I've been working on a Vlog about this so look for it sometime soon!

  7. Haven't seen it yet, but I'm going this week. Can't wait!

  8. AshleyRose-
    I could not agree more. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new movies - especially the first - and I am absolutely thrilled that the movies have allowed me to connect my children with my love of Star Trek.

    My entire family loved these movies, even though they did not start off as die-hard Trek fans, so they definitely have wide appeal. For me, though, they were so much more than good movies. They brought me so much joy as I felt again all the wonder, excitement and hope for the future that I originally felt as a child watching TOS.
