Thursday, December 19, 2013

And Now A Word From My Sister

The following is a guest post from my sister: 

When AshleyRose told me that she was going to blog about Star Trek for an entire year, I had no idea how beautiful of an idea that was. Growing up hundreds of miles apart, my sister and I never really had a chance to communicate our love of great TV. And so it was that my childhood was mysteriously lacking in all things Star Trek.

This summer when AshleyRose came to visit me in North Carolina, we went to see the new Star Trek: Into Darkness film, though she had already seen it once and was planning on watching it a third time when she reached Kentucky. When we got back to the house, I was enthralled and wanted more. So she gave it to me. The first Star Trek that I watched outside of the theater was a TOS episode, Space Seed—the one famous for the first appearance of Khan.

As I watched this episode with my big sister, who patiently explained parts of the episode that were confusing to me, I became hooked. I dedicated the rest of my summer nights to watching TOS. It became an obsession. Here I am, months later, a freshman in college who has watched all but fourteen of TOS and become an avid Trek fan. Most of my friends here on campus also appreciate the glory of Star Trek. Last night though, I showed a friend Star Trek for the first time.

Which episode did I choose? Space Seed.

After watching at least three episodes of Star Trek (not just TOS)/night for the past week with people who live and breathe Star Trek, it was fun to be the one explaining the longstanding bromance triangle between Kirk, Bones, and Spock. As silly as it is, I felt like a significant part of my life had come to a full circle. The grasshopper became the teacher. Chose whatever cheesy metaphor you want for the situation.

I can’t thank AshleyRose enough for introducing me to a world where I had not gone before.

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